*Originally published in the December 2016 Glove Park Gazette
Short days make for longer dreams . . . .
Like any work of art, families need inspiration, fresh infusions of hope and imagination. Kim John Payne, Simplicity Parenting
As we head towards the winter solstice, the days are short, plants are dormant, the holidays with their twinkling lights and traditions call us to dream, imagine and conjure.
We forget that a delicious, and important, part of parenting is dreaming, imagining, and conjuring up lovely and beautiful scenarios in our head about what is possible. Remember before you had kids what it was going to be like? Go back there for a bit. Sure, the cold hand of reality has woken you up, and yet those dreams are important, informative and inspiring.
I know, I know, I hear you. “Paige, the holidays are toooooo busy, the kids are ALWAYS around, WHAT TO DO about the devices?” I understand AND, don’t let this season of slow growth, short days, chilly temperatures go by without experiencing some life renewing dreaming, imagining and conjuring.
Dream about being on time almost every day. Dream about no diapers. Dream about set tables. Dream about polite and tidy-ish children. Dream about made beds. Dream about eaten vegetables. Dream about family hiking or camping or biking or a luxurious family vacation. Dream about full college funds. Dream about a renovated basement or a spruced up front yard. Dream about a regular date night with a beloved (including yourself!). Dream about life after the kids are launched when you can travel again in October, when all the money is yours and the house has a chance of staying tidy.
Ask your kids to dream, “How could 2017 be magical?” Years ago one of my kids ‘dreamt’ about the family watching a tv show every evening. I had a strict no tv during the week policy. My instinct was to shut it down, no way, I KNOW best! Instead, I gave it a try. Turns out his dream was delicious, relaxing and cozy.
Invite the power of dreaming and resting and conjuring and imagine what could be in 2017.