Tis the Season to De-Clutter!
In this season of buying gifts it seem counterintuitive to think about purging, but stick with me here. If we decluttered our houses and our calendar, think how many parenting problems would solve themselves.
The magical art of tidying up is truly magical in a family setting.
Declutter the kids room and -- badaboobadabing --they can clean it up themselves in under 15 minutes (they won’t all the time, but they CAN!). Declutter our calendar and when (NOT if) it takes our four year old forever to walk to the car, we can handle it, we can enjoy it, we can embrace it.
I know none of us has time, however, meditation can help purge your brain and emotions of negative spirals. Headspace is what I use and I think it slowly, tortoise-like, has altered my brain. Not in an instant and not in an earth-shattering way, but noticeably and meaningfully.
Next time you are in a parenting pickle, STOP. Don't try to fix the kid, clean out your closet. Throw out all the yucky hangers, take out the half-torn dry cleaning bags, and pitch all the clothes that are stained and don’t fit or make you feel bad about yourself. I can practically GUARANTEE a new, interesting and innovative parenting solution will bubble up from the process.