Parenting Check In


Anyone feel like Bentley, Corona-fatigue?

I thought I’d check in to see how it’s going. It’s been about 2 months of work and school at home. Here’s some new stuff that’s come up for me that I’ve found helpful.

  1. Sleep is elusive and the elixir of health. We can’t make ourselves go to sleep, or make our kids go to sleep, AND we can certainly clean up our sleep hygiene. Devices down 90 minutes before bed, no devices in the bedroom, wake up at the same time every day. Inducing sleep is worth our effort.

  2. Julie Morgenstern said, and I think it’s so wise, “There are about 12 new minutes of news a day.” A strict media diet can preserve our sanity, make our days more manageable, and conserve energy so we can be productive.

  3. We need anchors in our day, week, and month. Do you have them? Rituals and routines can really help soothe our nervous system.

  4. Summer seems overwhelming with plans shifting, cancelling and changing. Do not take the burden on yourself. Get a big sheet of paper, some sharpies and get your family thinking, brainstorming and researching what CAN we do this summer.

  5. This is hard. Processing the unknown, grief, instability, and isolation are so very, very tiring. Be sure to rest, and rest often. Make it quality rest (scrolling is not resting). 15 minute nap, reading a novel for a few minutes, a quick walk in nature all can re-boot your body and brain. I’ve been resting with a 10 minute meditation and Legs Up The Wall. It rejuvenates me right before dinner so I can finish up dinner, tidy up and enjoy my evening!

  6. Reach out for help, assistance, and laughter. No need to go it alone. There is help out there. Click the button below and contact me if you want parent, time management or organizing virtual coaching. Or if you want more resources, please feel free to reach out, happy to guide you.