Not making much progress on your New Year resolution?


 Wish things at home went differently? Not enough time to get it all done or have a hard time prioritizing?

We all have things we want to start or stop doing in life. We work hard to reach our goals, but too often we go it alone hoping that or personal will-power will be enough to get us the results we want. When this doesn’t work, we end up stuck—disappointed or resigned to the way things are. It doesn’t have to be this way! Research shows that caring and supportive group work increases your chance of developing new habits and behaviors faster than you would without it.

 So, we have joined forces for our clients! Parenting Coach and Certified Parent Educator Suzanne Ritter and Professional Organizer and Certified Parent Educator Paige Trevor will facilitate discussion, share knowledge, tips, inspiration and ideas for both quick wins and long-term sustainable change. And, you will help each other make it all work! If you’re serious about reaching a professional or personal goal, improving a relationship or your parenting, or creating a new habit, this exclusive series is for you!

 Register Here

$449 for the entire series!

Series includes:

·      4 Monthly in person roundtable sessions* and 2 recorded Zoom support sessions**

·      Goal setting support with buddy help (book optional***)

·      Teaching in Time Management and Time Mapping and Positive Parenting skills

·      Listserv communication and tips

·      Discounts on individual coaching

*In-person seminars on Mondays from 7:30 to 9:00 pm (90 minutes each) at IGNITE Good Health in Bethesda: 3/25, 4/25, 5/20, and 6/10

**Zoom calls on Thursdays from 8 to 9 pm (60 minutes each): 4/18 and 5/9 (you can watch it later if you can’t make the call)

Contact Suzanne Ritter ( or Paige Trevor ( for questions and monthly payment options.