It's TRUE! They can do more than you think!
FORMS: Kids 11 and up can start filling out their own medical/school/camp forms. It's true. We have to go over, edit and correct them, but they certainly can fill out their names, know their address, find out what an insurance card is and copy it. Give them time, don't rush them, don't criticize, maybe have them use pencil and bada boo, bada bing you will have an 18 year old that knows what the heck to do when they go to the health clinic themselves.
MAKE TRAVEL PLANS: Clicking is for everyone! The sooner they are comfortable online checking out deals, dates, scenarios, layovers, the sooner they will be ready to make and execute their own exciting lives. Start with letting your kiddo check in to this summers flight. Have them peruse different tourist sites and pick one, entrust them with getting tickets for that sunset sailboat ride.
PREP DINNER: I have found that the meal delivery system, like Blue Apron, is a great way to get a reluctant teen in the kitchen. It provides all the instruction so us parents can walk the dog while they prep the meal. Some families are so inspired that they ditch the Blue Apron after a while and they have a bona fide teen cook on their hands.
What else guys? What do your kids do that surprised or delighted you? Share the stories and inspiration, summer is such a great time to try new things!