“Freedom, however, is not the last word. Freedom is only part of the story and half of the truth. Freedom is but the negative aspect of the whole phenomenon whose positive aspect is responsibleness. In fact, freedom is in danger of degenerating into mere arbitrariness unless it is lived in terms of responsibleness. That is why I recommend that Statue of Liberty on the East Coast be supplemented by a Statue of Responsibility on the West Coast.”
I hear you internet, "Why is Paige combining wise Viktor Frankl with Wimpy from Popeye?!" BECAUSE, kids are the eternal Wimpy, and parents must uphold the the wisdom of Viktor Frankl.
Kids ALWAYS want more freedom. In the short term, freedom feels good, and free, and fun. HOWEVER, freedom is empty and dangerous if it isn't balanced with responsibility.
Here are some real life scenarios - kid asks for freedom, parent considers how to balance with responsibility.
Kid: I want an i phone, eeeeevvvverrrryyyooooonnnneee else has an iphone. AND they get to be ON IT WHENEVER they want!
Parent: Hmmmm, do you have money every month to pay for the service? How will you handle bed time? People with iphones really need a steady income, what ideas do you have to make some regular money? People with iphones need good brakes (self-control).
Kid: I want to sleep-over.
Parent: Sleepovers don't include much sleep, will homework be done before you leave on Saturday afternoon? Please provide me with the parent's name and cell phone number so I can check in. How many sleepovers seem to work for you in a month?
Kid: I want a later bed time.
Parent: Please go online and tell me what the recommended amount of sleep is, here's a website to start . What are you going to do with your extra time awake? How is waking up to your own alarm clock going?
Kid: I want new clothes.
Parent: The clothes in your bedroom currently aren't being cared for. I'd be willing to take you shopping once your current clothes are purged, washed and off the floor for four weeks. Do you have a budget? I'm willing to match you dollar for dollar to buy new clothes. I'd be willing to drive you to the mall this afternoon if we can get this corner of the basement tidied up before we go.
Kid: I want to join this dance troop.
Parent: (Thinking: oh no, this is expensive and this kid hasn't stuck with anything much over the years, plus the driving . . . THE DRIVING!). Sounds exciting! I'd be willing to pay for 1/2 of this term, are you willing to use some of your savings to pay for the other 1/2? I'd be willing to drive 1/2 of these weekends, can you contact some of your friends and see if their parents might consider carpooling?