Diving into summer!
It's too hot and humid to write a whole article, long live the LISTICLE! Here's a short list of stuff we should do.
1. Get those pesky medical forms filled out BEFORE school is about to start AND you are stressed. TRAIN kids to fill out everything they should know, in neat handwriting. Filling out forms is a part of life. Seriously, they can do this - middle schoolers and up SHOULD be doing this.
3. Get all those pesky appointments out of the way - eye appointment, dentist appointment, yearly check up. Use these longer days and slower pace to get some of these less then exciting chores done.
4. Re-read this series on helping kids de-clutter their room. Try it. Tell me all about it!
- Step 1: Address the issue & make an appointment
- Step 2: Follow through on the appointment, but try it this way
5. Screens got you down? I got you - 8 Device Tips to Save Our Sanity (written for the winter holidays, PERFECT advice for the summer holidays).
6. Change your air conditioner filter, you'll be glad you did!