It's All About the Re-Boot!

Summer is the perfect time for a parenting re-boot, the days are longer, the stress is lower, the time pressure has lessened. Ready for  two full days filled with encouragement, camaraderie, information, laughter, enlightenment and fun? PEP is offering, and I am co-leading with the fabulous Elizabeth Jones, a PEP Intensive. Come yourself, bring a friend, tell your neighbors.  PEP knows that fitting in parenting classes is hard for PARENTS! Hopefully these summer sessions will be just what you are searching for. 

Here’s what I love most about this parenting re-boot.

Action Oriented: PEP sends parents home with actions, phrases, thoughts, resources they can use THAT night. A few positive interactions can boost family morale and parental creativity. Action, action, action! I love it, love it, love it.

Parent Support – Guys, it’s hard for all of us. The group setting gives us all the support and understanding we need to look at our problems without shame, blame or pain. You will see that you have a lot of great wisdom to share with the parts of your parenting you are naturally good at and other participants can help YOU with your sticky and confusing situations. It’s a collaborative and creative process and usually filled with lots of laughs.

Things You Have Never Thought of That Will Help -  Our parenting game has been shaped from the moment we were born. Our kids are their own little people, not blank slates. There are developmental behaviors we can expect, endure and they pass. Learning about their development, our private logic, everyone's assumptions from their birth order can infuse our parenting with more self-respect and more respect for the child. Respect usually breeds cooperation. Cooperation breeds connection and connection is the name of the game!

Lively and Entertaining – We learn material through talking, slides, reading, small group work, role plays, worksheets and much, much more. We will laugh as we learn. Something always unexpected happens when we get a group of parents together. Wisdom and realness abound. 

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!


