5 Global Tips for Time Management

I have five GLOBAL TIPS to use in any organizing or parenting dilemma, problem or situation. They work for your closet, your calendar, your junk drawer. Today I'm using them for Time Management.

Be Realistic:  The time you have is the time you have. Your current reality may be that you can cook a home made dinner only a couple times a week. You can't add more hours to the day so ease up and avoid adding unrealistic expectations to an already stressed out week.

Start with Yourself:  Get yourself up a 1/2 hour earlier, get your clothes laid out, get your bag packed the night before, charge your phone. AFTER you get this to be a habit, start helping everyone else.

If it Ain't Broke, Don't Fix it:  Don't take any advice if things are working. For example, if you get up after your kids and each morning works, and you aren't late, and you don't yell at anyone . . . bada boo, bada bing, you are done. Don't fix what ain't broke.

Less is More:  Really, in every area of our life these days, less is more. Less activities, less rushing.  Add in white space, give yourself wiggle room . . . it feels so good!

Start with Today:  Start with today. Don't worry about yesterday, and don't think there is some tomorrow where you can get everything done on your list. Just for today think about the fact that there is always traffic on the beltway, your four-year-old can't handle errands after day care, you need your yoga class to be a better parent.