This clever client needed to clean out her house in a week. To keep herself motivated she created these GOODIES to entice, lure, and woo her to complete the task. I LOVED IT!
We all have those tasks we just DON'T want to do. And while rewards aren't so great to try to MAKE someone else DO SOMETHING, let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater, people!
A well placed drink, date, goodie can help us to SHOW up to the dreaded task. Here are some things that came to my mind as datable tasks, what do you think?
1. Laundry + TV Show
2. Taxes/Paper Work + Peppermint Mocha
3. 20 Minutes of Tidying + 20 Minutes of reading a romance (the NYTimes, a magazine)
4. 30 Minutes of Writing + 15 Minutes Facebooking/Tweeting/Noodling online
5. Menu Planning + Glass of Wine
PS: I love the Pomodoro Method App to stay on track!